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Wildflower Center Seed Bank

The Wildflower Center's Seed Bank was established in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Seeds of Success (SOS) program in concert with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Millennium Seed Bank Program (MSBP). The purpose of the Seed Bank is to collect, conserve, and develop native plant materials for stabilizing, rehabilitating and restoring lands in Texas and the United States.

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To request seed from the Wildflower Seed Bank, please contact the Seed Bank Curator.


Yucca constricta

Yucca constricta Buckley

Buckley Yucca, Buckley's Yucca

Agavaceae (Century-Plant Family)

Accession Data

Accession Number: LBJWC-MJM-1

Field Data Form: LBJWC-MJM-1.pdf
Accession Number: LBJWC-MJM-1
Collection Number: MJM-1
Organization: LBJWC
Collector(s): Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Collected with: MacDougal, M., Smith, J.

Location Data

Country: US
Phytoregion: 29N
Phytoregion_full: Edwards Plateau
State: Texas
County: Llano
Location: Roadside right of way on State Highway 71 an area stretching 32.18km east & west of Llano. However width only 4.2m wide.

Latitude: 30.836280
Longitude: -98.807450
Georeference Source: GPS
GPS Datum: WGS84

Altitude: 378 M
Elevation in M: 378

Habitat Data

Soil Texture: Reddish-tan sand

Collection Data

Plants Sampled: 61
Population Size: 500
Specimen Notes: 61 plants sampled. Not all plants flowered this season

Inventory Data

LBJWC: 807 seeds
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