Wildflower Center Seed Bank
The Wildflower Center's Seed Bank was established in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Seeds of Success (SOS) program in concert with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Millennium Seed Bank Program (MSBP). The purpose of the Seed Bank is to collect, conserve, and develop native plant materials for stabilizing, rehabilitating and restoring lands in Texas and the United States.
To request seed from the Wildflower Seed Bank, please contact the Seed Bank Curator.
Funastrum cynanchoides
Funastrum cynanchoides (Decne.) Schltr.
Fringed Twinevine, Climbing Milkweed Vine, Twine-vine
Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed Family)USDA Symbol: FUCY
Accession Data
Accession Number: LBJWC-1310
Field Data Form: LBJWC-1310.pdfCollection Date: 2009-10-25
Accession Number: LBJWC-1310
Collection Number: 1310
Organization: LBJWC
Collector(s): Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Collected with: Eason, M.
Location Data
Country: USState: Texas
County: Starr
Municipality: La Gloria
Geog_area: Southern Texas Plains
Location: La Gloria along FM 755 and FM 1017 heading south and west; common along fencelines near La Gloria Latitude: 26.715330
Longitude: -98.534830
Georeference Source: GPS
GPS Datum: WGS84 Altitude: 298 FT
Elevation in M: 90
Habitat Data
Associated Taxa: Prosopis glandulosa, Yucca treculeana, Celtis laevigata, Clematis drummondii, Ipomoea rupicola, Passiflora foetida, Cocculus diversifoliusGeology: Sandstone
Soil Texture: sandy
Collection Data
Plants Sampled: Plants sampled 100+;Population Size: 100