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Deer Resistant Species

Few plants are completely deer resistant. Several factors influence deer browsing including the density of the deer population, environmental conditions such as drought, and plant palatability. Deer tend to avoid plants with aromatic foliage, tough leathery and/or hairy or prickly leaves or plants with milky latex or sap. Try using some of the plants listed here to minimize deer damage to your landscape.

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Abutilon incanumPelotazo
Indian Mallow
Shrubby Indian Mallow
Acer grandidentatumBigtooth Maple
Big-toothed Maple
Uvalde Bigtooth Maple
Southwestern Bigtooth Maple
Canyon Maple
Sabinal Maple
Western Sugar Maple
Acalypha radiansCardinal's Feather
Cardinal Feather
Adiantum capillus-venerisSouthern Maidenhair Fern
Common Maidenhair Fern
Maidenhair Fern
Venus Hair Fern
Aesculus paviaRed Buckeye
Scarlet Buckeye
Firecracker Plant
Aesculus pavia var. flavescensTexas Yellow Buckeye
Yellow Woolly Buckeye
Pale Buckeye
Plateau Yellow Buckeye
Aesculus pavia var. paviaScarlet Buckeye
Red Buckeye
Southern Buckeye
Firecracker Plant
Agave americanaAmerican Century Plant
Century Plant
Agave havardianaHavard's Century Plant
Havard Agave
Ageratina havanensisShrubby Boneset
White Mistflower
White Shrub Mistflower
Havana Snakeroot
Allium canadenseMeadow Garlic
Wild Garlic
Wild Onion
Allium drummondiiDrummond's Onion
Wild Garlic
Drummond Wild Onion
Aloysia gratissimaWhitebrush
Common Bee-brush
Privet Lippia
Allowissadula holosericeaVelvet-leaf Mallow
Chisos Mountain False Indianmallow
Aloysia macrostachyaRio Grande Beebrush
Woolly Bee-brush
Amorpha fruticosaIndigo Bush
False Indigo Bush
False Indigo
Desert False Indigo
Amorpha roemerianaRoemer's False Indigo
Anemone edwardsianaEdwards Plateau Thimbleweed
Two-flowered Anemone
Andropogon gerardiiBig Bluestem
Tall Bluestem
Andropogon glomeratusBushy Bluestem
Brushy Bluestem
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightiiFlame Acanthus
Hummingbird Bush
Wright's Desert Honeysuckle
Wright Acanthus
Mexican Flame
Wright's Mexican Flame
Aphanostephus riddelliiRiddell's Dozedaisy
Lazy Daisy
Aquilegia canadensisEastern Red Columbine
Wild Red Columbine
Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinckleyanaHinckley's Golden Columbine
Yellow Columbine
Hinckley Columbine
Capote Columbine
Argemone albifloraBluestem Pricklypoppy
White Pricklypoppy
White Prickly Poppy
Arisaema dracontiumGreen Dragon
Aristida oliganthaPrairie Threeawn
Oldfield (Prairie) 3-awn
Oldfield Threeawn
Artemisia palmeriSan Diego Sagewort
San Diego Sagebrush
Arnoglossum plantagineumGroovestem Indian Plantain
Indian Plantain
Prairie Plantain
Prairie Indian Plantain
Aristida purpureaPurple Threeawn
Purple 3-awn
Purple Three-awn
Red Threeawn
Aristida purpurea var. purpureaPurple Threeawn
Red Threeawn
Asclepias asperulaAntelope-horns
Spider Milkweed
Green-flowered Milkweed
Spider Antelope-horns
Antelope Horns
Asclepias incarnataSwamp Milkweed
Pink Milkweed
Asclepias oenotheroidesZizotes Milkweed
Hierba De Zizotes
Side-cluster Milkweed
Longhorn Milkweed
Primrose Milkweed
Lindheimer's Milkweed
Asclepias tuberosaButterflyweed
Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Milkweed
Orange Milkweed
Pleurisy Root
Chigger Flower
Asclepias viridisGreen Milkweed
Spider Milkweed
Bauhinia lunarioidesAnacacho Orchid Tree
Anacacho Bauhinia
Orchid Tree
Texas Plume
Bacopa monnieriHerb-of-grace
Water Hyssop
Coastal Water-hyssop
Baccharis neglectaFalse Willow
Jara Dulce
Poverty Weed
Roosevelt Weed
Berlandiera betonicifoliaTexas Greeneyes
Berlandiera lyrataChocolate Daisy
Chocolate Flower
Lyreleaf Greeneyes
Green-eyed Lyre Leaf
Bignonia capreolataCrossvine
Bouteloua curtipendulaSideoats Grama
Bouteloua dactyloidesBuffalograss
Buffalo Grass
Bouchetia erectaErect Bouchetia
Painted Tongue
Bothriochloa laguroides ssp. torreyanaSilver Bluestem
Silver Beardgrass
Silver Beard Grass
Bouchea linifoliaGroovestem Bouchea
Flaxleaf Bouchea
Bouteloua rigidisetaTexas Grama
Brickellia cylindraceaGravel-bar Brickellbush
Buddleja marrubiifoliaWoolly Butterflybush
Butterfly Bush
Woolly Butterfly-bush
Capsicum annuumChile Tepin
Chile Pequin
Chile Petin
Bird Pepper
Turkey Pepper
Cayenne Pepper
Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculumChile Pequin
Chile Tepin
Bird Pepper
Turkey Pepper
Cayenne Pepper
Calylophus berlandieriBerlandier's Sundrops
Square-bud Primrose
Calylophus berlandieri ssp. pinifoliusBerlandier's Sundrops
Square-bud Primrose
Square-bud Day-primrose
Carex blandaEastern Woodland Sedge
Creek Sedge
Common Wood Sedge
Carex cherokeensisCherokee Sedge
Canna flaccidaBandanna Of The Everglades
Golden Canna
Canna glaucaWater Canna
Louisiana Canna
Maraca Amarilla
Callirhoe involucrataWinecup
Purple Poppy Mallow
Callirhoe involucrata var. linearilobaWhite Poppymallow
Poppy Mallow
White Winecup
Purple Poppy Mallow
Callirhoe leiocarpaTall Poppymallow
Annual Winecup
Tall Poppy-mallow
Tall Poppy Mallow
Callirhoe pedataPalmleaf Poppymallow
Standing Winecup
Finger Poppymallow
Palmleaf Poppy Mallow
Carex perdentataSand Sedge
Meadow Sedge
Campsis radicansTrumpet Creeper
Trumpet Vine
Common Trumpet Creeper
Cow Vine
Foxglove Vine
Devil's Shoestring
Carex texensisTexas Sedge
Cercis canadensisEastern Redbud
Cercis canadensis var. mexicanaMexican Redbud
Cercis canadensis var. texensisTexas Redbud
Ceanothus herbaceusPrairie Redroot
Smaller Redroot
Small Redroot
Inland Ceanothus
Fuzzy Ceanothus
Jersey Tea
Celtis laevigataSugar Hackberry
Texas Sugarberry
Southern Hackberry
Lowland Hackberry
Palo Blanco
Celtis laevigata var. reticulataNetleaf Hackberry
Netleaf Sugar Hackberry
Western Hackberry
Sugar Hackberry
Texas Sugarberry
Palo Blanco
Cephalanthus occidentalisCommon Buttonbush
Button Willow
Honey Bells
Honey Balls
Chamaesaracha coniodesGray Five Eyes
False Nightshade
Ground Saracha
Prostrate Ground-cherry
Chasmanthium latifoliumInland Sea Oats
Indian Wood Oats
Wild Oats
River Oats
Flathead Oats
Upland Oats
Upland Sea Oats
Chilopsis linearisDesert Willow
Flowering Willow
Willow-leaved Catalpa
Willowleaf Catalpa
Bow Willow
Flor De Mimbre
Chrysactinia mexicanaDamianita
Chaerophyllum tainturieri var. tainturieriHairyfruit Chervil
Hairy-fruit Chervil
Wild Chervil
Clematis drummondiiOld Man's Beard
Drummond's Clematis
Texas Virgin's Bower
Goat's Beard
Cladium mariscus ssp. jamaicenseJamaica Swamp Sawgrass
Jamaican Saw-grass
Clematis texensisScarlet Clematis
Scarlet Leatherflower
Texas Clematis
Cocculus carolinusCarolina Snailseed
Carolina Coralbead
Carolina Moonseed
Red Berried Moonseed
Carolina Red Berried Moonseed
Corydalis curvisiliquaCurvepod Fumewort
Scrambled Eggs
Golden Smoke
Cotinus obovatusAmerican Smoke Tree
Texas Smoke Tree
Wild Smoke Tree
Smoke Tree
Cooperia pedunculataHill Country Rain Lily
Prairie Lily
Rain Lily
Flor De Mayo
Coryphantha sulcataPineapple Cactus
Nipple Cactus
Coreopsis tinctoriaPlains Coreopsis
Golden Tickseed
Cryptotaenia canadensisCanadian Honewort
Wild Chervil
Croton capitatus var. lindheimeriWoolly Croton
Lindheimer's Hogwort
Woolly Texas Goatweed
Woolly Doveweed
Croton fruticulosusBush Croton
Hierba Loca
Crataegus greggianaGregg's Hawthorn
Gregg Hawthorn
Croton monanthogynusPrairie Tea
One-seed Croton
Dove Weed
Prairie Goatweed
Crataegus tracyiTracy's Hawthorn
Tracy Hawthorn
Mountain Hawthorn
Crataegus viridisGreen Hawthorn
Southern Hawthorn
Cynanchum barbigerumBearded Swallow-wort
Thicket Threadvine
Cylindropuntia imbricata var. imbricataTree Cholla
Teddy-bear Cholla
Cane Cactus
Walkingstick Cholla
Cylindropuntia leptocaulisTasajillo
Christmas Cactus
Pencil Cactus
Christmas Cholla
Desert Christmas Cactus
Cyperus ochraceusPond Flatsedge
Yellow Sedge
Cyperus odoratusFragrant Flatsedge
Fragrant Sedge
Cyperus pseudovegetusMarsh Flatsedge
Marsh Flat Sedge
Dalea aureaGolden Dalea
Golden Prairie Clover
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention