Special Collections
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Threatened & Endangered Species
As the principal federal partner responsible for administering the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the USFWS takes the lead in recovering and conserving our Nation's imperiled species by fostering partnerships, employing scientific excellence, and developing a workforce of conservation leaders. To learn more, visit USFWS Environmental Conservation Online System.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Aconitum noveboracense | Northern Blue Monkshood New York Monkshood | |
Amaranthus pumilus | Seaside Amaranth | |
Apios priceana | Price's Groundnut Traveler's Delight | |
Arctomecon humilis | Common Bear-poppy Little Desert-poppy Little Desert Poppy | |
Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum | American Hart's-tongue Fern | |
Baptisia arachnifera | Hairy Rattleweed Cobwebby Wild Indigo Hairy Wild Indigo Hairy False Indigo | |
Blennosperma bakeri | Baker's Stickyseed | |
Castilleja levisecta | Golden Indian Paintbrush | |
Callirhoe scabriuscula | Texas Poppymallow Texas Poppy Mallow | |
Chionanthus pygmaeus | Pygmy Fringetree | |
Chamaesyce rockii | Koolau Range Sandmat | |
Cirsium pitcheri | Sand Dune Thistle | |
Clarkia imbricata | Vine Hill Clarkia | |
Clematis morefieldii | Huntsville Vasevine Morefield's Leatherflower | |
Clematis socialis | Alabama Leather Flower | |
Conradina glabra | Apalachicola False Rosemary | |
Coryphantha ramillosa | Whiskerbrush | |
Conradina verticillata | Cumberland False Rosemary | |
Cryptantha crassipes | Terlingua Creek Cat's-eye Terlingua Creek Cryptantha | |
Echinocereus chisoensis | Chisos Hedgehog Cactus Chisos Mountain Hedgehog Cactus Chisos Hedgehog Chisos Mountain Hedgehog | |
Echinacea laevigata | Smooth Purple Coneflower | |
Echinomastus mariposensis | Lloyd's Fishhook Cactus Mariposa Cactus | |
Echinocereus viridiflorus var. davisii | Davis' Hedgehog Cactus | |
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. vineum | Cushenbury Buckwheat | |
Fremontodendron mexicanum | Mexican Flannelbush Southern Flannelbush Southern Fremontia Mexican Fremontia | |
Helonias bullata | Swamp Pink | |
Helianthus paradoxus | Paradox Sunflower Puzzle Sunflower Pecos Sunflower | |
Ipomopsis polyantha | Pagosa Ipomopsis | |
Iris lacustris | Dwarf Lake Iris | |
Isotria medeoloides | Small Whorled Pogonia Green Fiveleaf Orchid | |
Kokia drynarioides | Hawai'i Treecotton | |
Lesquerella pallida | White Bladderpod | |
Liatris helleri | Heller's Blazing Star Heller's Gayfeather Heller's Liatris | |
Lilium occidentale | Western Lily | |
Limnanthes vinculans | Sebastopol Meadowfoam | |
Malacothamnus clementinus | San Clemente Island Bushmallow | |
Marshallia mohrii | Mohr's Barbara's Buttons Coosa Barbara's Buttons | |
Manihot walkerae | Walker's Manioc Walker's Manihot Texas Tapioca | |
Pediocactus bradyi | Brady's Hedgehog Cactus Brady's Pincushion Cactus | |
Pedicularis furbishiae | Furbish's Lousewort St. Johns River Lousewort | |
Platanthera leucophaea | Prairie White Fringed Orchid Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid White Prairie Fringed Orchid | |
Platanthera praeclara | Great Plains White Fringed Orchid | |
Quercus hinckleyi | Hinckley Oak | |
Rhododendron chapmanii | Chapman's Rhododendron | |
Sarracenia oreophila | Green Pitcherplant Green Pitcher Plant | |
Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis | Alabama Pitcherplant Alabama Pitcher Plant | |
Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii | Jones' Pitcherplant Jones' Pitcher Plant | |
Schwalbea americana | Chaffseed | |
Scutellaria floridana | Florida Skullcap | |
Silene polypetala | Eastern Fringed Catchfly Fringed Pink | |
Spiraea virginiana | Virginia Meadowsweet | |
Thymophylla tephroleuca | Ashy Pricklyleaf Ashy Dogweed | |
Torreya taxifolia | Florida Nutmeg Florida Torreya Stinking-cedar Torrey Tree Savin Gopher Wood Polecat Wood Stinking-yew | |
Trillium persistens | Persistent Wakerobin Persistent Trillium | |
Trillium reliquum | Confederate Wakerobin Confederate Trillium | |
Zizania texana | Texas Wildrice Texas Wild Rice | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |