Special Collections
Crosby Arboretum
The Crosby Arboretum is dedicated to educating the public about their environment. This mission is carried out by preserving, protecting, and displaying plants native to the Pearl River Drainage Basin ecosystem, providing environmental and botanical research opportunities, and offering cultural, scientific, and recreational programs. The Arboretum displays three basic habitats found in this ecosystem. They are a Savanna exhibit, a Woodland exhibit, and an Aquatic exhibit. Both drastic and subtle changes in landscape patterns can be observed within each exhibit. In addition to the 104-acre interpretive site, the Arboretum also maintains collectively over 1,000 acres of off-site natural areas that are preserved for scientific study.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Acer floridanum | Southern Sugar Maple Florida Maple Caddo Maple Rock Maple | |
Acalypha gracilens | Slender Threeseed Mercury | |
Acer rubrum | Red Maple Scarlet Maple Soft Maple | |
Acer rubrum var. drummondii | Drummond's Maple Drummond Red Maple Swamp Maple | |
Aesculus pavia | Red Buckeye Scarlet Buckeye Firecracker Plant | |
Agalinis fasciculata | Beach False Foxglove | |
Agalinis purpurea | Purple False Foxglove Purple Gerardia Gerardia | |
Agalinis tenuifolia | Slenderleaf False Foxglove | |
Aletris aurea | Golden Colicroot Colicroot Star Grass Yellow Colic Root | |
Aletris farinosa | White Colicroot Colic Root Unicorn Root | |
Aletris lutea | Yellow Colicroot Yellow Colic-root | |
Alnus serrulata | Smooth Alder Hazel Alder Brookside Alder Tag Alder Common Alder Black Alder | |
Amelanchier arborea | Common Serviceberry Downy Serviceberry Shadbush Juneberry Junebush Shadblow Sarvis | |
Amorpha fruticosa | Indigo Bush False Indigo Bush False Indigo Desert False Indigo | |
Andropogon virginicus | Broomsedge Broomsedge Bluestem Yellowsedge Bluestem Whiskey Grass Popotillo Pajon | |
Aronia arbutifolia | Red Chokeberry Red Chokecherry | |
Arundinaria gigantea | Giant Cane River Cane Switch Cane American Bamboo | |
Aralia spinosa | Devil's Walking Stick Hercules Club Angelica Tree Pigeon Tree Shotbush Prickly Elder Prickly Ash | |
Asclepias lanceolata | Fewflower Milkweed Few-flower Milkweed Red Milkweed | |
Asclepias longifolia | Longleaf Milkweed | |
Baccharis halimifolia | Groundseltree Sea-myrtle Consumptionweed Eastern Baccharis Groundsel Groundsel Bush Salt Marsh-elder Salt Bush Florida Groundsel Bush | |
Bartonia paniculata | Twining Screwstem | |
Balduina uniflora | Oneflower Honeycombhead | |
Betula nigra | River Birch Red Birch Black Birch Water Birch | |
Bidens aristosa | Bearded Beggarticks Tickseed Sunflower | |
Bigelowia nudata | Pineland Rayless Goldenrod | |
Buchnera americana | American Bluehearts Bluehearts | |
Callicarpa americana | American Beautyberry French Mulberry | |
Carpinus caroliniana | American Hornbeam Blue Beech Water Beech Musclewood Ironwood | |
Canna flaccida | Bandanna Of The Everglades Golden Canna | |
Carex glaucescens | Southern Waxy Sedge | |
Carya glabra | Pignut Hickory Sweet Pignut Hickory Coast Pignut Hickory Pignut Sweet Pignut Smoothbark Hickory Broom Hickory Red Hickory Swamp Hickory Switch Hickory Switchbud Hickory | |
Carphephorus odoratissimus | Vanillaleaf Vanilla Plant | |
Calopogon pallidus | Pale Grass-pink | |
Castanea pumila | Allegheny Chinquapin Allegheny Chinkapin Chinquapin Chinkapin | |
Calopogon tuberosus | Tuberous Grasspink Grass Pink | |
Ceanothus americanus | New Jersey Tea Redroot | |
Cercis canadensis | Eastern Redbud Redbud | |
Cephalanthus occidentalis | Common Buttonbush Buttonbush Button Willow Honey Bells Honeybells Honey Balls Honeyballs Button-bush | |
Chamaecrista fasciculata | Partridge Pea Sleepingplant Sensitive Plant | |
Chrysopsis mariana | Maryland Goldenaster Maryland Golden-aster | |
Chamaecyparis thyoides | Atlantic White Cedar | |
Chaptalia tomentosa | Woolly Sunbonnets | |
Chionanthus virginicus | White Fringetree Fringe Tree Snowflower Tree Flowering Ash Old Man's Beard Grandfather Graybeard Grancy Graybeard | |
Cirsium muticum | Swamp Thistle | |
Clethra alnifolia | Coastal Pepperbush Coastal Sweet Pepperbush Coastal Sweet Pepper Alderleaf Pepperbush Alderleaf Clethra Clethra Summer Sweet | |
Clematis crispa | Swamp Leatherflower Curly Clematis Blue-jasmine Curlflower Curly Virgin's Bower Marsh Clematis | |
Cleistes divaricata | Rosebud Orchid | |
Cliftonia monophylla | Buckwheat Tree Buckwheat Bush | |
Cnidoscolus urens var. stimulosus | Finger Rot Tread Softly | |
Cornus florida | Flowering Dogwood Virginia Dogwood Florida Dogwood White Cornel Arrowwood American Boxwood False Box St. Peter's Crown Corona De San Pedro | |
Coreopsis lanceolata | Lanceleaf Coreopsis Lance-leaved Coreopsis Lanceleaf Tickseed Sand Coreopsis | |
Coreopsis linifolia | Texas Tickseed | |
Crinum americanum | American Crinum Lily Seven Sisters Swamp Lily Southern Swamp Lily String Lily Crinum Lily | |
Croton capitatus | Hogwort Texas Goatweed | |
Crataegus marshallii | Parsley Hawthorn Parsleyleaf Hawthorn | |
Crataegus opaca | Mayhaw Western Mayhaw May Hawthorn Riverflat Hawthorn Applehaw May Haw | |
Cuscuta pentagona | Fiveangled Dodder | |
Cyrilla racemiflora | Titi Swamp Titi Black Titi White Titi Red Titi Leatherwood Swamp Cyrilla American Cyrilla Burnwood Bark Palo Colorado | |
Diodia teres | Poorjoe | |
Diospyros virginiana | Eastern Persimmon Common Persimmon Possumwood Date Plum Winter Plum Jove's Fruit | |
Drosera brevifolia | Dwarf Sundew Spatulate-leaved Sundew | |
Drosera capillaris | Pink Sundew | |
Drosera intermedia | Spoonleaf Sundew | |
Eleocharis ovata | Ovate Spikerush | |
Eriocaulon compressum | Flattened Pipewort Hat Pins | |
Eriocaulon decangulare | Ten-angle Pipewort Pipewort | |
Erythrina herbacea | Coralbean Cherokee Bean Red Cardinal | |
Erigeron philadelphicus | Philadelphia Fleabane Fleabane Daisy | |
Erigeron vernus | Early Whitetop Fleabane | |
Euonymus americanus | American Strawberry Bush Strawberry Bush Brook Euonymus Hearts-a-burstin Bursting Heart Wahoo | |
Eupatorium capillifolium | Dogfennel Dog Fennel | |
Eutrochium fistulosum | Joe-pye Weed Trumpetweed Queen Of The Meadow Hollow Joe-pye Weed | |
Eupatorium perfoliatum | Common Boneset | |
Eupatorium rotundifolium | Roundleaf Thoroughwort | |
Fagus grandifolia | American Beech White Beech Red Beech Ridge Beech Beechnut Tree | |
Gaylussacia dumosa | Dwarf Huckleberry | |
Galium tinctorium | Stiff Marsh Bedstraw | |
Geranium maculatum | Spotted Geranium Wild Geranium Cranesbill | |
Gelsemium sempervirens | Carolina Jessamine Yellow Jessamine Evening Trumpetflower Poor Man's Rope | |
Gordonia lasianthus | Gordonia Loblolly Bay | |
Halesia diptera | Two-wing Silverbell Two-winged Silverbell Silverbell American Snowdrop Tree Snowdrop Tree Snowbell Cowlicks | |
Hamamelis virginiana | Witch-hazel American Witch-hazel Common Witch-hazel Winterbloom Snapping Hazelnut Striped Alder Spotted Alder Tobacco-wood Water-witch | |
Helianthus angustifolius | Swamp Sunflower Narrowleaf Sunflower Narrow-leaved Sunflower | |
Helenium vernale | Savanna Sneezeweed | |
Hibiscus aculeatus | Comfortroot Big Thicket Hibiscus Pineland Hibiscus | |
Hibiscus lasiocarpos | Woolly Rose-mallow Woolly Mallow Rose-mallow False Cotton | |
Hypericum crux-andreae | St. Peter's-wort Atlantic St. Peter's-wort St. Peter's Cross St. John's-wort | |
Hypericum gentianoides | Orangegrass Pineweed | |
Hypericum gymnanthum | Claspingleaf St. John's-wort | |
Hypoxis hirsuta | Common Goldstar Yellow Star-grass Eastern Yellow Star-grass | |
Hydrangea quercifolia | Oakleaf Hydrangea Oak-leaf Hydrangea | |
Hypericum tetrapetalum | Fourpetal St. John's-wort | |
Ilex amelanchier | Sarvis Holly Swamp Holly | |
Ilex coriacea | Baygall Bush Large Gallberry Gallberry Tall Inkberry Holly Inkberry Holly Shining Inkberry Inkberry | |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Illicium floridanum | Florida Anisetree Florida Anise Anise Tree Stinkbush | |
Ilex glabra | Inkberry Gallberry | |
Ilex myrtifolia | Myrtle Dahoon Myrtle Leaf Holly Myrtle Holly | |
Ilex opaca | American Holly White Holly Prickly Holly Evergreen Holly Christmas Holly Yule Holly | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |