Special Collections
Great Small Trees for Houston
To celebrate The Garden Club of America's Centennial in 2013, The Garden Club of Houston has created a list of great small trees for Houston. The trees were selected based on three criteria: 1) native to our area and likely to thrive with little maintenance, 2) exceptional beauty and the widest possible range of seasonal interest, and 3) habitat benefits, particularly for birds.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Acer leucoderme | Chalk Maple Whitebark Maple | |
Carpinus caroliniana | American Hornbeam Blue Beech Water Beech Musclewood Ironwood | |
Cercis canadensis | Eastern Redbud Redbud | |
Chionanthus virginicus | White Fringetree Fringe Tree Snowflower Tree Flowering Ash Old Man's Beard Grandfather Graybeard Grancy Graybeard | |
Cordia boissieri | Mexican Olive Texas Wild Olive Anacahuita Anacahuite | |
Crataegus marshallii | Parsley Hawthorn Parsleyleaf Hawthorn | |
Halesia diptera | Two-wing Silverbell Two-winged Silverbell Silverbell American Snowdrop Tree Snowdrop Tree Snowbell Cowlicks | |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Ilex opaca | American Holly White Holly Prickly Holly Evergreen Holly Christmas Holly Yule Holly | |
Ilex vomitoria | Yaupon Yaupon Holly Cassina | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |