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Native Plant Bibliography
Flowering Plants: Pokeweed, Four-O'Clocks, Carpetweeds, Cacti, Purslanes, Goosefoots, Pigweeds, and Pinks (Illustrated Flora of Illinois)
Author(s): Mohlenbrock, R. H.
Year: 2001
Publisher: Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press
ISBN: 080932380X
Subject: Plant Identification Comments: From Robert H. Mohlenbrock provides a definitive account of the pokeweed, four-o'clock, carpetweed, cactus, purslane, goosefoot, pigweed, and pink families in Illinois. Flowering Plants: Pokeweeds, Four-o'clocks, Carpetweeds, Cacti, Purslanes, Goosefoots, Pigweeds, and Pinks is the fifteenth volume of the Illustrated Flora of Illinois series and the ninth devoted to dicots, or plants that have two seed-leaves, or cotyledons, upon germination. Each of the 141 plants is beautifully illustrated by Paul W. Nelson. Nelson shows the full habitat of the plant and close-ups of various vegetative and reproductive structures that are crucial for the identification of individual species. Each illustration includes detailed drawings of the flowers, fruits, and seeds of the plant covered. Mohlenbrock provides a complete description of each species as well as a discussion of the nomenclature and habitats, and his fifty-three years of experience enable him to present little-known diagnostic features for many species. Range maps show the county distribution of each species in Illinois. Mohlenbrock includes a statement giving the overall range of each species in the United States as well as a detailed key for the identification of the species.
Last Updated: 2007-01-01 |
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