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National Organizations Directory

As a service to the public, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center collects information on native plant societies, conservation groups, governmental agencies, botanical gardens, arboreta, and other plant-related organizations throughout North America. Click here to add your organization to the directory. Affiliates are organizations that partner with the Wildflower Center to encourage the preservation and use of native plants in different regions of the country.

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The Gardens at Callaway

Address: 205 N. Cherry Street
P.O. Box 2000
Pine Mountain, GA 31822

Region: Southeast

Phone: (800) 225-5292
Fax: (706) 663-5068

Organization Structure: Private Non Profit
Organization Scope: National
Organization Type: Botanic Garden

Services this organization provides

  • Inventory and/or monitor endangered/rare species
  • Work on restoration projects
  • Natural habitat management
  • Wildflower or native habitat display on property
  • Provide educational programming
  • Open to the public
  • Membership program
  • Offer public programs, trips, seminars, etc.
  • Native plant sales

Native Plant Focus: Native plants especially the plumleaf azalea.

Publications: newsletter (quarterly)

Description: The Gardens at Callaway, a man-made landscape, in a unique, natural setting, was conceived and created by Cason and Virginia Callaway for the benefit of mankind. The purpose is to provide a wholesone family environment where all may find relaxation, inspiration and a better understanding of the living world. The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Trail at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia, is a tranquil 3/4-mile trail ideal for discovering the seasonal panorama. The diverse forest ecosystem is home to a remarkable number of plants and animals. Loblolly Pine and Sweetgum provide a canopy for wildflowers, while reflecting pools allow a close-up look at turtles, fish and frogs.

Last Update: 2011-01-05
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