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Botanical Glossary

Glossary of commonly used botanical terms and their definitions.

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BarkTough outer covering of trunks or stems of trees, shrubs, and vines.
Basal leavesThe leaves that are concentrated near the base of the main stem.
BeardA tuft or line of hairs, as on certain petals.
BerryA fleshy, indehiscent fruit with few to many seeds.
BiennialA plant that takes two years to complete the flowering cycle. Typically it grows vegetatively the first year and flowers and fruits during the second year before dying.
Bilateral symmetryUsually referencing flower structure, descripes a plant part or parts that may be divided along a single plane forming two mirror-image halves; zygomorphic, irregular flower.
BisexualA flower with both stamens and pistils.
BractA reduced or modified leaf occurring at the base of a flower or group of flowers. Bracts are sometimes arranged in rows, like shingles on a roof, usually closely cupping the blossoms of Asteraceae (Sunflower Family); cf. Phyllary. Sometimes brightly colored or petallike, as in Castilleja spp. (paintbrush), or threadlike, as in Daucus carota (Queen Anne's Lace).
BranchletA small branch.
BristlyHaving stiff, rigid, rather thick hairs on the surface of stems or leaves.
BudA small cell-mass in the process of dividing from a stem to form a flower, leaf or another stem.
BulbA thick, rounded, underground organ consisting of layered, fleshy leaves and membranes.
Cactus/SucculentA plant having leaves and/or stems which are thick and fleshy.
CalyxThe sepals taken collectively. These may be distinct, or joined to form a cup or tube; they may be of any color but are usually green. When the calyx is present, it encloses the other parts of the flower in bud.
CapitulescenceThe inflorescence of a capitulum-bearing plant as in many species in Asteraceae.
CapitulumAn inflorescence composed of multiple florets arranged in a flower head and surrounded by an involucre of bracts as found on many species in Asteraceae.
CapsuleA dry fruit that splits open along three or more lines.capsule.jpg
CaryopsisA dry, one-seeded fruit (achene) with ovary wall united to the seed coat, characteristic of grasses.
CatkinA spikelike flower cluster that bears scaly bracts and petalless, unisexual flowers.
CaudateTapering gradually into a long taillike tip
ClaspingLeaf partially encircles the stem.
Complete flowerA flower with sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil present.
CompoundA leaf divided into two or more leaflets.

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